
Proposal for a book / call for abstracts

Systemic Technologies for Business Excellence
Our proposal is to create a new book that is missing from the International Bibliography and deals with the concepts and methodologies of Systemic Technologies for Business Excellence. The new book will provide its recipients (mainly professionals at all levels of organizational hierarchy, entrepreneurs, researchers, consultants and Professors, graduate students of business, economics and technology), with the necessary skills and knowledge in order to be able to face the unprecedented turbulence in the business environment, and create a sustainable advantage for their organizations integrating excellence in all activities..
As author or Co-Editor, we invite you to offer your knowledge and expertise in Systemic Business Management and Excellence, by writing a Chapter or submitting a relevant published paper as a Chapter for this Book.
Please send us ( the title of your Chapter, your affiliation and an Abstract of about 250 words no later than December 31, 2021. Afterwards, we will send you the guidelines you should follow for writing the text.

Call for abstracts : Book proposal

New EUS Digital Library

A digital library including texts on the systems approach has been created by the Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS): EUS Digital Library
A video presentation was created to explain how the EUS digital library works: Presentation of the EUS Digital Library

Next congress

11th congress of the European Union for Systemics (EUS2021)
Systemic Design Thinking for Creativity
Organized by the Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS), in parallel to the 17th National and International Conference of the Hellenic Society for Systemic Studies (HSSS)
Athens, Greece, 6-9/10/2021

Congress website :

A collective tribute to Charles François (1922-2019)

This publication is a collective production made up of testimonies from members of the Grupo de Estudio de Sistemas Integrados de Argentina (GESI), the Instituto Andino de Sistemas (IAS), FundarIngenio, the Comunidad de Pensamiento Complejo (CPCCONICET-UBA) and the Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (FADU) about the importance of Charles François as a systemic researcher and teacher.
Charles François was the mentor and constant animator of GESI. His inspirational and facilitating role for the emergence of numerous systemic and cybernetic groups and institutions in Argentina resulted from his attendance at international meetings of institutions in Europe and the United States, of which he was a member and collaborator, and from his visits as a guest lecturer to interested institutions in countries of the Latin American continent.
Here we describe the activities with international projection that François promoted in and from GESI, the links that he stimulated and established between the systemic institutions of Latin America, the valuable didactic and bibliographic legacy transmitted in Spanish mainly through his "Diccionario de Teoría General de Sistemas y Cibernética", and in English through his "International Encyclopedia of Systems and Cybernetics". In addition to his fundamental work on "Cybernetics and Prospective", the systemic approach to the study of societies, and Problemology as a method for the resolution of complex problems, among other notable contributions to the Latin American Systemic Community. It emphasises the impact that all these contributions had on the perceptions, visions, approaches, and on the performance of the professions and personal achievements of the testimonies.

 Un homenaje collectivo 2020

Revue Internationale de Systémique (1987-1998)

Grâce aux efforts entrepris par l’AFSCET l’ensemble des textes publiés dans la Revue Internationale de Systémique (1987-1998) est maintenant disponible en ligne sur internet.

 Revue RIS (1987-1998)